DeKalb High School Academic/Workforce Dual Credit Courses
DeKalb High School parners with Texarkana College to offer our students numerous dual credit courses. We currently offer the following courses:
Academic Courses:
HIST 1301- US Hist 1 (junior or senior)
HIST 1302- US Hist 2 (junior or senior)
ENGL 1301- Composition 1 (junior or senior)
ENGL 1302- Composition 2 (junior or senior)
ENGL 2332- World Lit 1 (senior)
ENGL 2333- World Lit 2 (senior)
MATH 1314- College Algebra (junior or senior)
MATH 1316- Plane Trigonometry (junior or senior)
MATH 1442- Elementary Statistical Methods (senior)
BIOL 1308 & 1108 Biology for Non Science Majors (senior)
GOVT 2305- Federal Government (senior)
GOVT 2306- Texas Government (senior)
PSYC 1300- Frameworks (junior or senior)
PSYC 2301- General Psychology(senior)
PSY 2314- Lifespan Growth and Development(senior)
BCIS 1305- Business Computer Applications(sophomore, junior, or senior)
ARTS 1301- Art Appreciation (sophomore, junior or senior)
Workforce Courses:
WELD 1337- Welding 1(junior or senior)
WELD 1421- Welding 2(junior or senior)
WELD 1428- Welding 3(senior)
WELD 2443- Welding 4(senior)
DEMR 1301- Diesel Mechanics 1 (junior or senior)
DEMR 1306- Diesel Mechanics 2 (junior or senior)
DEMR 1405- Diesel Mechanics 3 (senior)
DEMR 1421- Diesel Mechanics 4 (senior)
*Cosmetology (junior or senior)
*Culinary Arts (junior or senior)
**Electrical Technology (junior or senior)
*These classes may or may not make due to student interest.
You can also learn more on Texarkana College's site at TC Dual Credit.
Students that receive free or reduced lunches may qualify for a dual credit scholarship. These scholarships are made available by Texarkana College and DeKalb High School’s Disadvantaged Scholarship, DeKalb Professional Women's Association and DeKalb KARES. Students need to apply for these scholarships each semester prior to classes starting. Application deadlines will be announced during the Daily Announcements and during Dual Credit Classes.
Please see the steps to getting registered for those classes below.
Step 1: Choose dual credit course(s) when picking schedule for the next school year
Step 2: Check with Mrs. Dooley and/or Ms. Wicker to see if you qualify for a test exemption. (They are also listed below.)
College Readiness Testing Exemptions: Applicable to both Dual Credit and Early Admission
ACT: 40 Combined Reading & English and 22 Math
If you do not meet the above qualification, then you must take the TSI test.
Step 3: Students meeting the qualification in Step 2 will register for the classes when school starts in August. Academic and Workforce courses will cost $41 per course credit each semester.
Students that receive free or reduced lunches may qualify for a FAST dual credit scholarship. These scholarships are made available by Texarkana College. This scholarship doesn’t require an additional scholarship application.
DeKalb Professional Women's Association and DeKalb KARES also provide scholarships to students who do not qualify for the FAST scholarship above. Students need to apply for these scholarships each semester prior to classes starting. Application deadlines will be announced during the Daily Announcements and during Dual Credit Classes.
Texarkana College also offers a payment plan.
The students will register online for their classes with Mrs. Dooley. You can pay for your child’s classes online through their myTC account under the Student tab. The balance will need to be paid before they can enroll for the next semester.
Step 4: Study!!! All of these courses will be documented on your college transcript, so start off on the right foot by studying and keeping those grades up!
Junior Courses Senior Courses
*Algebra (Fall semester only) *Algebra (Fall semester only)
*Trig (Spring semester only) *Trig (Spring semester only)
*US History (Fall and Spring semesters) *Art Appr. (Fall & Spring-Soph may take)
**Welding (Fall and Spring semesters) *English (Fall and Spring semesters)
**Diesel Mechanics (Fall and Spring semesters) *Federal Government (Fall semester only) Texas Government (Spring semester only)
**Cosmetology (Fall and Spring semesters) *Biology (Fall and Spring semesters)
**Culinary (Fall and Spring Semesters) **Welding (Fall and Spring semesters)
**Culinary Arts (Fall and Spring Semesters) **Diesel Mechanics (Fall and Spring semesters)
*English (Fall and Spring semesters) **Cosmetology (Fall and Spring semesters)
*Art Appreciation (Fall and Spring) *BCIS (Spring)
*BCIS (Spring- May be taken as a Sophomore) *Statistics (Fall semester only)
*Psychology (Fall and Spring Semesters)
*Academic Course taught on DHS campus
** Workforce class taught on TC/TexAmerica campus
***Workforce class taught on DHS campus